Monday, August 30, 2010

20 years later and still lookin good.....

Class Reunions for some can be anxiety ridden, but for me I was actually looking forward to going back to see my friends. Maybe because I see many of them throughout the year and of course Facebook has helped to keep tabs on everyone.

I think it also helped that I was going home healthy and in better shape than I was in high school. My best friend surprised me with coming in for the reunion and she brought in some photo albums. It was fun to look back and laugh and how fashion forward we thought we were.
Lesson learned that no matter how old, how fat, divorced, single, unemployed, etc. We all have things in our lives we struggle with but the love and support of good friends is what helps us get through the tough times and celebrate the good ones.
I look forward to the 25th...........

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Word of the day "Refocus"

I went for a run tonight the first time in about 10 days and for a girl who's training for a marathon I need to kick it into gear. My runs usually help clear my head and tonight I definitely had a breakthrough.

I ran through the Loyola campus and as I stopped in front of the chapel I saw the door was open. I popped my head in to take a peak of the church and as I did I felt a very peaceful feeling, so I decided to stay. As I sat there in this very quiet and calming place I thought about how life can get get so crazy and you can loose site of the important things. I realized I'd lost focus of what my goal is and got distracted. By what you ask? Life which includes family, job, friends, and do I dare say men.

For the last few years my goal had been focused on loosing the weight and now it shifted to finding someone to share my life with but what I need to remember is I can't loose focus of why I started this journey. I had three goals to get finacially, physically, and career healthy. Now that I've done this I need to REFOCUS and really decide what is important what is important to me for my next set of goals. If I'm not happy then nobody around me will be happy. It may sound selfish but I still have a goals to reach and need to find the balance and how to handle it all.

My Favorite Photo

How many of us really enjoy getting their pictures taken? I don't think many women ever really love pictures of themselves, but every so often there is that one that we look at and go hmmm.....we'll maybe that's not so bad. That's how I felt when I went in to get my driver's license renewed.

Technically it expires on my birthday next February, but I just couldn't stand looking at the old photo. As I sat their waiting for my number to be called I kept staring at the old photo wondering who is that person. When they announced B262 I proudlyjumped off my seat and walked up to the counter ready to get rid of the old me.

The clerk looked at my license and then looked at me and asked if I'd ever had trouble using this, "sadly no" I said. Surprisingly nobody every questioned if it was me so I guess they could see some resemblance of the old me in there somewhere. He then proceeded to ask all the standard questions including the dreaded, "what is your weight"? I was ready to tell the truth, no more lying, fibbing, of fudging of the truth. The clerk as and I proudly told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. However, it's between me and Gasper, the clerk.