My Skinny411 blog was originally started to document my weight loss journey. Now that journey has turned into so much more from travel, dating and life in a new city. I decided it's time to dust off the keyboard and start sharing again. I'm not a professional blogger just a girl trying to make her way through life.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Life of Questions
I always say life is a series of questions. When we were in high school it was what college were you going to attend and then what's your major. Then it moved on to what do you do for a living and then are you seeing anyone, are you married, do you have kids.
I started my blog because of the questions I got about how I lost the weight so I decided to put all the tips I did in one place. Now the questions are back to are you seeing anyone, are you dating, why are you still single...this is my least favorite.
I recently had five of my high school girlfriends in town to celebrate my birthday and of course they are all married with children and none who have had the pleasure of dating in the 21st century with online dating, texting, instant messaging, etc. They just can't understand why I'm single trust me I ask myself that as well because I'm So I sat down with two of them and enlightened them on how this lovely process works. Now of course they always hear my dating adventures and those of my friends and now as I watch the reruns of "Sex in the City" Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda we're pioneers for us single women and we're so right on.
The question I ask myself is with all the fabulous, beautiful, smart single women I know where are those great guys? It's a question that may never be answered but you'll going to have fun hearing how we try to find them. Stay tuned.......
Where's your smile?
Do you ever wonder what it would be like if your life was a reality show? I'm a reality show junkie from the Real Housewives to the Bachelor. In watching these shows I sometimes wonder what character would I be the sarcastic bitch, cool and laid back, mysterious and moody, or crazy girl. I like to think I'd be the cool, sexy, fun girl however in real life there is no editing!
The reason I bring it up is because recently I was traveling through the airport on my way to Colorado skiing. As I stood in the security line with my ID and boarding pass I stepped up to the agent and happily handed over my information. I love giving my ID because I LOVE my photo in which I have a big smile on my face. He looked at my ID and then at me and asked "Why aren't you smiling"? As I walked through security I thought you're right why am I not smiling I'm going on vacation I should be beaming. It made me wonder is this how people see me with no smile? What if the camera was following me for my reality show, would I be the girl with no smile?
We all can loose our smile from time to time and sometimes we need someone to reminds to do so, but when life gets to be to much and we all know it can, ask yourself what character do you want to be in your reality show!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
New Year.....New Goals
Happy New Year! We're now 18 days into 2011 and I'm struggling with those winter blues and I think it's because I'm ready to strap on my running shoes and hit the lake front. Since it's not the most optimal running weather I decided to start to update my blog. I realized it's been way to long since my last posting and that one of my goals this year is to dust off my computer keys and make my blog a priority this year. I forgot how much it helps me and what I've heard from others they enjoy as well.
I started to get excited about planning my 2011 race schedule. Now, don't get the wrong idea I'm not one of those crazy, obsessive runners. I do it for pure enjoyment. This year I'm looking for different races around the country and the Chicago area. As much as I love my beloved Chicago I'm ready to pound the pavement and see some new destinations.
One goal this year is to try a triathlon. I did my first marathon last year, the Chicago Ma
rathon, which was an amazing experience and will do again this year. It was a last minute decision last year and my training was horrible, my finish time even worse, but to cross the finish line felt like I won the lottery considering where I started in this journey. I always hate the phrase "if I can do it anyone can do it", but I have to say it's true. If you have two feet and physically able you can do it and it doesn't matter how fast the point is you did it. Ok, enough from the soap box.
I started to get excited about planning my 2011 race schedule. Now, don't get the wrong idea I'm not one of those crazy, obsessive runners. I do it for pure enjoyment. This year I'm looking for different races around the country and the Chicago area. As much as I love my beloved Chicago I'm ready to pound the pavement and see some new destinations.
One goal this year is to try a triathlon. I did my first marathon last year, the Chicago Ma

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